Amulet Slideshow

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Welcome to Amulet-Bank!!!


Welcome to the 1st. "Non-Profit" Amulet Shop in Malaysia.

We are a group of veteran Thai amulet enthusiast & collectors from various parts of Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand coming together to joint force in doing our part as a Buddhist to help and to contributes for Buddhism. All sales and rental of amulets in this website will be a non-profit subject and all revenue generated will be donate to the following temples for infrastructure development and facilities upgrading purposes:

The current temples that we are focusing:

1.   Wat Pakla, Songkhla, Hatyai, Bangkok. (Luang Phor Klom)

2.   Wat Nonglau, Mahasarakam, Thailand. (Prakru Prajak Santikun)

Hence, we hope that you'll find our website interesting and at the same time able to provide all the information and assistance that you might be looking for.

On top of that, all amulets in this website are "Guaranteed 100% Genuine" direct from the temple, this is because; our group of enthusiast has never and will not get our source from any amulet dealer as we strongly believe that amulets is to be given for blessing & definitely not for selling. Hence, all amulet rented here from our website, those funds will be proceed directly for fund-raising purposes for temples development.

Last but not least, our website also will be featuring a page of "RARE" amulets collection where those interested can contact us for the renting pricing. In this section, those amulet are ultimately rare and will not be available outside. Its contributed by veteran collection for fund raising purposes ONLY.

We hope you enjoy your stay and do feel free to write to us if you have any further question.

Thank you.
